Send chiefs have been labelled "wholly irresponsible" subsequently stressing that charging drivers to apply park and ride sites could generate hundreds of thousands of pounds to expand the provision across the Capital.

Addressing the city council'south governance, risk and best value committee, the chief executive of Transport for Edinburgh, George Lowder, didn't explicitly call for charges to be introduced.

Simply council bosses accept confirmed they could consider charging motorists to employ park and ride sites.

Mr Lowder said: "I'm non talking here about paying to park, although that is of course a potential determination that elected members could brand.

"Our analysis suggests that you could raise in the region of £350,000 per annum past charging a pound to park. That might cover some of the capital letter expenditure costs of extending the network – or extending the existing sites."

Lothian Buses

The metropolis council volition bring forward proposals to potentially overhaul park and  rides in an action programme.

Transport and environment convener, Cllr Lesley Macinnes, said: "The increasing popularity of our park and ride sites is heartening in that information technology demonstrates the rise in need for public transport – something we are keen to encourage among commuters and visitors to Edinburgh.

"However, with this comes a pressure level on capacity, particularly at Hermiston and Ingliston park and ride sites. This issue is being considered as part of our public send priority action programme, where information technology is intended to explore funding options to facilitate future expansion.

"A parking fee may be considered, among other options, but will likely be linked to onward travel by tram or bus in order to offer good value. The purpose of any parking fee will be solely to fund expansion and amend the facilities for users."

Opposition councillors have united to rubbish whatsoever indication that charges should be introduced for park and ride sites.

Liberal Democrat transport spokesperson, Cllr Kevin Lang, said:  "Charging people to utilize park and ride sites would be wholly irresponsible and entirely counter productive.

"The whole bespeak of park and ride is to encourage motorists not to drive into the city. If y'all accuse people for the privilege then they'll simply come into boondocks and park their vehicles on local roads for free.

Lothian Buses on Princes Street

"It is astonishing that those with responsibility for expanding public transport use in Edinburgh are even suggesting this. Afterwards all, when charging was proposed for park and ride sites over in Fife terminal year, the backlash from the public and an outcry from motorcoach operators forced a jerky u-plough."

The city council operate 7 park and ride sites effectually the outskirts of the Capital.

The concluding fourth dimension the council considered proposals for expanding its provision was in May 2018, when officials warned against a park and ride site at Lothianburn – maxim it would price around 33.5m and warned "information technology is unlikely there would be sufficient passenger numbers to support the Lothianburn site".

Conservative transport spokesperson, Cllr Nick Melt, said: "Charging motorists to use park and rides would act as an impediment to their apply. I don't believe such a move should be supported at this time.

"What is clear is that Edinburgh Council has to do much more to actually support park and rides, rather than just claiming they do. Their refusal to motion forward with the long-mooted Lothianburn park and ride, equally chosen for by Conservatives and Lib Dems, is the perfect example of an administration tall on words, but brusk on action."

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